速報APP / 健康塑身 / OPD App - For Doctors

OPD App - For Doctors





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Phasorz Pvt. Ltd, DocsApp, 3rd Floor Tower D, Diamond District, D3, Kodihali, HAL Old Airport Rd, 150, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560008

OPD App - For Doctors(圖1)-速報App

Get full control on how you connect with your patients after clinic consultations - No more untimely and unpaid patient messages or calls. Add your patients, put up a fee and you are all set to answer patient queries.


OPD App - For Doctors(圖2)-速報App

PERSONAL MOBILE NUMBER NOT SHARED : You don’t have to share your mobile number with patients anymore. Add your patient on MD App and get paid when you consult online. All calls are facilitated through a third party bridge number and your personal privacy is never compromised.

INTEGRATED DATA : You can capture all patient data on one App, irrespective of which clinic you met them. You can use MD App in your private practice and your partner hospital simultaneously. Docwise is being used by doctors in hospitals like Cloudnine, Apollo, Columbia Asia etc.

COMPLETE FLEXIBILITY : Consultation Fee, Refunds, Follow-Ups? - We let the doctor decide. We ensure that your decision is appropriately carried out.

OPD App - For Doctors(圖3)-速報App

FOLLOW - UPS : Within a specified duration of your choice (say 7 days), your patients can follow-up for free. This works specifically well in cases where patients have to show lab reports or have some queries on their treatment.

NOTE : Doctors can login to MD App only after account creation. In most cases, we meet doctors personally to understand how we can set-up MD App, so that doctors get good results.

Want to Sign Up with us? Drop us a line at hello@getdocwise.com and we will help you get started.

OPD App - For Doctors(圖4)-速報App



OPD App - For Doctors(圖5)-速報App